The manufacturing process for your order depends on the printing machinery we are using to fulfil your order. The email updates you receive will be triggered when your order moves from one process to the next:
These are generally printed on our MPS press. The workflow for this press is:
Unprinted labels are processed in a single sequence on one machine. Predominently, this will be a Daco plain label converter or our semi-rotary GM converter. The workflow for this press is:
Digitally printed labels are processed on one of three machines: The Xeikon, Screen or Jetrion. The Jetrion is a single print process, whereas the Xeikon and Screen use a three step process:
The workflow for the Jetrion press is:
The workflow for the Xeikon & Screen presses is:
2612 and 2616 labels are processed in a single sequence
The workflow for this press is:
All other pice gun labels (2212 Punch holes), 3021s, 2928s etc.) are processed in a 2 step production sequence
The workflow for this press is: