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Bespoke cider labels are running on the digital press this week for Darley Abbey Cider – along with all sorts of other beverage labels!
Sales Manager, Dom Rafferty has been contacted by Darley Abbey Cider to help them with a project to help local people turn their apples to cider. Local people donate their unwanted apples to Simon Worsey at Darley Abbey Cider. He then processes the apples into cider to give them back cider for their own enjoyment.
The project has been a success so far and we are working in conjunction with Complete Bottling of Derby to provide the bespoke cider labels for the project.
Complete bottling have risen to success on the increase in small artisan brewers across the country. They allow small brewers to manufacture their product without the need for expensive bottling facilities being installed at each site.
Brews are brought to Complete Bottling where the company bottles, labels and packages the product for resale to the public.
Dom and Simon met at our facility where Dom gave Simon a guided tour of our label production facility and showed him our Jetrion 4900 digital printing press. The press being digital requires no printing plates as the labels are printed using uv inkjet technology. The lack of plates saves initial set up costs and also reduces lead times for production.
The Jetrion 4900 has an inline laser die cutting station. This means the labels are cut to shape using a laser rather than traditional rotary cutting equipment. Set up of the laser takes moments and can be configured to any label shape we can draw on the computer.
Between the inkjet engine and the laser die cutter, the machine can print high quality labels from roll stock to finished product in one complete process.
Commenting on the work, Dom Rafferty said:
We are thrilled to be helping with this project. The label designs are fantastic and the output should look great on the finished product. It is a pleasure to work with Simon and continue our work with Complete Bottling.
Positive ID Labels have been working with Complete Bottling for 12 months and have a fantastic working relationship. If you have a need for cider labels, beer labels or any other type of beverage label for your brewery, our partnership can help you.
Call us on 01332 864895 or fill in the form below and we will contact you.
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