Case Study: Scottish Postal Sortation Company
From our representative in Scotland; Colin Wilkie (now retired):
A local mail and sorting business contacted us to try and solve their problems and a simple but robust label gun came to the rescue.
The company collect then prepare mail to be sent on to Royal Mail who then deliver the mail on contract for this company. The customer had a handling and identification problem, some of the mail they handle had to be separated into 3 zones for processing and identification. The company needed a simple, effective yet reliable method to ensure that errors were kept to a minimum, efficiency was maximised and reliability improved.
The Positive ID Labels team solved this problem with a simple system utilising hand held labelling guns to apply 3 variants of 26mm x 12mm labels. The labels were pre-printed with A or B or C respectively to identify the zoning requirement. That solved not only handling and processing but track back as well.
Commenting on the sale Colin Wilkie said:
We pride ourselves on delivering solutions for our customers – sometimes these are very simple, requiring just a practical approach to the problem. This was a case in point and the customer is very happy with the cost-effective solution we provided.
Commenting on the sale John Mayers Managing Director of Positive ID Labels said:
Label Guns are old technology but they are surprisingly effective for some processes. They are reliable, durable and easy to use so there is little investment in training yet as this example proves, they can solve otherwise costly problems. The great thing about this is the utter simplicity of the solution. Whereas you could spend hours analysing the process and then hours training staff on some barcode system using thermal printers, the simple, cheap label gun worked. It is testament to these fantastic label guns.
To discuss any needs you may have, call us on 01332 864895 or contact us using the contact form below: